Greetings GHNA Members and neighbors!!!!!

From the lyrics of Lionel Richie,

“Well, my friends, the time has come
Raise the roof and have some fun.”

I can’t believe that it’s already May 2018.

As your president, I just wanted bring you up-to-date on what your hard working board has set as priorities for this year.

We’ve already held two social events in the neighborhood. The first one was a Meet and Greet held on March 22, 2018. It was a wonderful way to meet your neighbors and exchange stories from the past.  We had two of Sandy Springs’ finest policemen in attendance to share some interesting information.  I’m here to say that Glenridge Hammond is still a thriving community some 40 years later.

The second event was our neighborhood block party on April 29, 2018.  Great weather made for a perfect gathering to enjoy food, drinks and laughter for both the young and the more mature individuals.

We have several more events scheduled this year, so I encourage you to check it all out on our new website.  Our website has been updated with new information and it’s our plan to keep this as current as possible.  This will be yet another means of communicating with those that are not on social media, such as Facebook and Next Door.

Safety and crime reduction are also some of the initiatives we’ve all been working on. We are currently working with SSPD to have increased police visibility 24/7.

Crime usually increases as the weather warms up. So please remember to:

  • Lock your car
  • Remove personal belongings from your cars
  • Lock your house (even when you’re’ home)
  • Keep your property well lit
  • Remove/trim any overgrown foliage
  • Install LED motion sensor lights

I will also be hosting another meeting with Officer C. Begal, South district community affairs officer.  Stay tuned and look for the update on our website if you’d like to join.

We are also working to improve the street lights in our neighborhood.  You may see some Georgia Power trucks rolling down your street.

We currently have submitted tickets with the public works department to have our speed-bumps re-striped to make them more visible and are working on getting a traffic calming study done in our neighborhood.

As a reminder, if you are not a member, please join.  We need our collective energies to make positive changes that impact our families and property. This includes beautification, neighborhood activities and defending Glenridge-Hammond from encroaching zoning issues.

In closing, it is my pleasure to serve as your president. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me or send me an email.

We look forward to a great 2018 & Beyond – remember it takes a village to build a community as great as ours!!


Bob,  678-591-4342




Rebekah Barr – President

Mark Jagor – Vice President

Brittany Espinoza – Secretary

Fax Reynolds – Treasurer

Bob Lepping – Immediate Past President and City Representative

Sarah Rose Harrill – Membership Officer

Sarah Weston – Communications Officer

Joe Kurelic – Pool board liaison

Elizabeth Graber – Member at large

Doug Faciglia – Member at large / Zoning

Ben Hendry – Member at large

Eric Chiarelli- Member at large


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